
Agriculture versus nature? Towards socially just and environmentally sustainable food systems based on food sovereignty

As a response to the massive farmers protests in the first half of 2024, the EU dismantled the Farm to Fork strategy and abandoned several environmental measures for farmers. These were the wrong answers to a legitimate demand of farmers for less red tape and, above all, a decent price for their products.

These answers will not solve the farmers problems, nor the climate or biodiversity crisis, to which agriculture is a major contributor. Agriculture is at the crossroads of several system crises, it should also be at the crossroads of the solutions to these multiple crises. We urgently need a radical transformation of our food systems, based on agroecology, local markets and respect for the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and small scale enterprises. That transformation is already happening, thanks to farmers and communities everywhere in the world, who are experimenting with other models based on the right to food.

What we need is a political framework to support the transformation.

When: 14h00
Where: Top zaal
Speaker(s): tba



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Who organizes Forward Fest?

Forward Fest is organized by 11.11.11ngo-federation and VLIR-UOS in collaboration with MO* with the support of Belgian development cooperation.



11.11.11 aims to eradicate exploitation from the world. Everyone – anywhere in the world – has the right to a dignified existence. To truly make a change, power and resources must be distributed more fairly, and the current system must be questioned.

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The ngo-federation represents its members to the federal and other governments, supports the members in their discussions with those governments, promotes cooperation within the sector, and strengthens the quality of NGOs’ operations.

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VLIR-UOS supports partnerships and scholarships between universities and colleges in both Flanders and the Global South, seeking innovative solutions for global as well as local challenges.

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